Jet Spray
Jet Spray is a unique washing Technology which removes the detergent stains completely during rinse. During rinse when the tub spins quickly, water is sprayed forcefully on the clothes from top through nozzle. Water penetrates in to the clothes removing all the detergent stains giving a perfect wash with efficient use of water.

Smart Diagnosis™ System
At some point in your washer’s life it will need some love and care. We just made the service easier and smarter for you. Now there is no need to wait for an engineer to detect a problem. Just dial Smart Diagnosis™ and wait for the telephone to tell you what to do. This removes the hassles of explaining your problem and saves cost & time.

Smart Filter™
Anti-Bacteria Plastic Filter (Market Best)
– Durable
– Easy to use
– Hygienic (Anti-Bacteria)
– Nice & Compact design
– Durable
– Easy to use
– Hygienic (Anti-Bacteria)
– Nice & Compact design

Stainless Steel Tub
Durable at the core the stainless steel tub in this machine is more durable than plastic, and repels stains and odors.
Fuzzy Logic Control
A built in load sensor automatically detects the laundry load and a microprocessor optimizes washing conditions such as ideal water level and washing time. You can set the Wash Program type at Fuzzy and it would sense the appropriate washing method required to give you the best washing performance.
Air Dry
When the drum rotates the airdry system sucks in air, thereby throwing a blast of air on the clothes. Thus air dry system by removing moisture leaves clothes absolutely free from bad odour & bacteria and also facilitates faster drying of clothes.
Waterfall Circulation
Improve rinsing effect, Provide circulation of water, various and evenly strong washing currents.

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